the fam

the fam

Saturday, March 5, 2011

8 months

Cooper is eight months today.. tear tear!!! Where has the time gone? We have conquered the night feedings and Coop goes to bed at 8 and gets up at 645.. yay!!! He has 6 teeth, 2 bottom, 4 top; the top 4 came in all at once within a week. He also had the flu that week.. fun times. Adam and I are getting excited/nervous about our upcoming move. I'm going to miss this house. We've only lived here a little over 2 years, but we brought Cooper home to this house. It just feels like we've been here forever. Adam is tired of the endless household projects, trying to get the house ready to rent out. But we are enjoying the warm weather, we won't be seeing much of it in New York : (

Thursday, March 3, 2011

sleep anyone?

As any parent knows, the first year of your little one's life brings many sleepless nights. Cooper and I dissagree on how long he should sleep at night. He's been compramising with me to the point that he'll sleep from 8 pm to 530 am. Then he wants to nurse, and get up. I think he should sleep at least 10.5 hours at night, an appropriate amount of time for his age. This morning, when Coop woke up; I tried to offer him water in a bottle.. he wouldnt have it. So I put him back down in his crib and let him cry it out. Why does it hurt so much to hear that? It only took him 30 minutes to calm down and go back to sleep, hopefully tomorrow will be easier. Which brings me to my next point. Cooper will not take a bottle. Im still nursing him and it seems (like a typical man) all he wants are my boobs. I guess there will be no more date nights until he stops nursing. Oh babies!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Post

This is my first post on our new blog. Our family includes Adam and Becky (me), our amazing dog Clark, and our newest addition, baby Cooper. Cooper is almost eight months, and fills my days with joy! I am a stay at home mom, and my husband is a nuke ET in the navy. I'm also taking classes towards my BA in early childhood education. We are preparing for a move from Georgia to New York next month. Things are a little stressful around here, but Cooper keeps us sane. Enough for now, just wanted to introduce us, I'll post more later. Thanks for reading!